
Photos are taken by Ji Ho

Tweet from @liveJ

08 February 2006

How Do me?

I remember in 2000, first winter.

"Jiho can you try apply another university? It is too high for you"
"Yes.. Yes... However, I really want enter here"
"OK.. I will write application form... I think you cannot enter here"

It would be true of me.
All university was failed...

Next chance was College. However, just one college adpted me.
(It was add successful)

Of course, I do not regret my college.
I got a lot of knowage and experience of my college.
It is good experiece of me.

However, I want to learn my interesting subject. It is media.

Today, UCAS track system give strange emotion to me.
I cannot Laugh or cry.

I really want entering first and secound university is failed.
However, third and fourth give confitional offer to me.
(fifth and sitth is do not contect to me. Just they recieved my application form)

Fortunenally or Unfortuneally...

(Photo:my ucas track system)