
Photos are taken by Ji Ho

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28 June 2007

Bloody IELTS

I have finished three tasks of IELTS just now and review my tasks in Apple Store, Regent Street.

I am very affraid after three weeks when I get the result.
Perfectly, My tasks are ruined.

1 -> About property (Talk with Agency and who want to buy the home)
It's Quiet OKAY...

2 -> introduction of Rivertrip.
Slightly.. Hard

3 -> Tutorial about Academic Essay.
Oh my god.. How the earth is moving?

4 -> Lecture about good or bad of insects
I've lost two questions... Yes... Game Over.

1 -> Social Marketing Skills
OK... I interested in this topic.

2 -> How people collect natural Perfume?
Oh my God... Who said the picture question is harder than to find heading...

3 -> A reports of children's psychology development.
Hu.. I do not know... How did I answer that...

1 -> Two barcharts about perfomance of a Bus company.
On is Bus arrived on time. (This figure is compared with the company's target) Another is the number of complain.

Oh dear... Fortunetly, I did not write SHOPPING LIST but I worry it was under 150 words.
And I did not write Conclusion.

2 -> Why young people leave the school and how we solve this problem... (like that)

Oh my god! I can answer this question! But!! It's nightmare.

OK I have just a task, Speaking. It is 5PM... (Lovely..)
But I think to find the alternative way. I'm sure it is not over 6.